What is the Smthgood Carbon Offset Program?

Smthgood is dedicated to giving back to nature and being part of the climate action movement. We are committed to purchasing 1,000 carbon credits per year. These credits will finance projects that are protecting the earth, such as planting trees, reforestation, etc. 

Our 1,000 carbon credits contribute tooffsetting the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by limiting 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. This is equivalent to planting 47,619 trees or recycling 43,286 bags of waste instead of throwing them away.  

We also hope to increase awareness amongst our users on environmental consciousness and the importance of carbon offsetting. You can read more about carbon credits here.   

In Year 2023, we have done our part in giving back. Here's our IG reel about it!

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