How to set my Shipping rates settings

Setting your shipping rates are important!

Smthgood Seller Dashboard now has 2 different rate types for sellers to set their shipping values according to their business model.

  1. Rate per kg

This refers to using the products' shipping weights to calculate the buyer's shipping fees.

Buyer shipping fee = total product weight in order x shipping rate applicable

The value you input in the 'Rate' field, refers to the per kg cost of the shipping option you are currently setting. This is usually used by international courier services.

Example: Your products are set at 0.6kg per SKU. When a buyer checks out with 2 quantities of your SKU, they will be charged 0.6kg x 2 x $10 = $12 shipping fee.

  1. Flat Rate

This refers to charging a fixed amount for shipping, regardless of the quantity or weight of the buyer's order.

The value you input in the 'Rate' field refers to the fixed amount that is chargeable to the buyer upon their checkout for your products.

If you offer both types of shipping models, you can easily add both types. Upon checkout, both shipping options will be displayed for the buyer to choose themselves. See example screenshot on buyer's perspective.

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