How do I create my own storefront’s promotions?

Create own storefront promotions or participate in Smthgood campaigns via the Sellers Dashboard "Promotions" tab!

Sellers can create their own storefront promotions in 2 different ways.

  • Automated discount
  • Promocode 

Seller discounts are Seller initiated store discounts that allow buyers to enjoy cost-saving benefits for their purchases. Seller bears 100% of the cost of Seller discounts.

1. On your Seller’s Dashboard page, Click “Promotions” to go to your Promotions Page.

2. Click “Add a Promotion” on the top right of the page.

3. Select the type of promotion you would like to create. “Automated discount” or “Promocode

4. Input in the details of your promotion such as name, conditions and choose the applicable products for that promotion.

5. Set the status of the promotion: ‘Active’, ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Inactive

6. Set your promotional period’s start date and end date.

7. Check the summary of the promotion you are creating before saving.

8. Click “Save”.

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