Promotion terms and definitions

What are Automated Discounts?

Automated discounts come in forms of % discount or fixed amount discount. They are automatically applied at buyers' checkout. Automated discounts can be applied to All Products, Specific Products or Specific Collections.

What are Promo codes?

Promo codes are a short string of text that Sellers or Smthgood create specially for specific buyer(s) to input and apply during the checkout stage. Promo codes can also be created uniquely for a pool of special customers or for a specific campaign or promotion purpose (eg Summer Collection Sale)

What do you mean by “All Products”?

Selecting “All Products” refers to selecting all active products that are in the Seller’s inventory. This also means that this promotion will be applied to storewide products for buyers to checkout.

What do you mean by “Selected Products”?

“Selected Products” refers to products that Sellers/ Smthgood specifically selected to be applicable for the promotion.

What do you mean by “Specific Collections”?

“Specific Collections” refers to the selection of the entire range of products belonging to the chosen collection/ range. Products have to be categorized into collections first before this option can be applied. For more details on Collections, refer to How to create collections?

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