Smthgood Fashion AI

Our Smthgood tagging tool uses fashion AI to ensure products are tagged more accurately and comprehensively.

Smthgood tags supplement any existing tags Sellers have. They do not replace Sellers’ existing tags.

Our tool ensures that Sellers’ product tags conform to our platform's taxonomy, especially if they have their own tags from other e-commerce platforms.

Accurate and comprehensive tagging that conforms to our platform's taxonomy, combined with fashion computer vision ensure that Sellers' products can be easily found by users. Our AI tool generates tags based on, amongst others, product category, fashion style, colours, product designs, occasions.

Accurate tagging allows better search experience for users. We also endeavor to personalize as much as possible a user's experience on our platform. Our AI tagging tool helps us to show Sellers' products that are relevant to a user based on a user's style quiz.

Activating our AI tagging tool is required as Sellers' products cannot go live if the Smthgood tags are not generated. 

How do I enable this feature?

Our Fashion Tagging AI tool is an existing feature. There are no API integration or further actions needed.  

Sellers will need to click on “Generate Tags” on the Seller Dashboard Product Page during new product uploading stage.

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