If a buyer uses Smthgood coins, vouchers or promo codes to offset their purchases, does a Seller get back the amount that the buyer redeems for?

If a buyer uses Smthgood coins, Sellers will get back the amount that is used to offset the purchase. 

If a buyer uses vouchers or promo codes, it depends on the nature and the promotional campaign rules at that point in time:

If the vouchers or promo codes are initiated by Smthgood, Sellers will get back the amount that is used to offset the purchase provided that the Seller has participated in that campaign;

If the vouchers or promo codes are initiated by Sellers, Sellers will not get back the amount that is used to offset the purchase;

There could be certain situations where the costs of a promotional campaign (vouchers and/or promo codes) are undertaken by Smthgood and the Sellers jointly. In this case, Sellers will get back the amount in accordance with the conditions stipulated in that promotional campaign.

We will reconcile the relevant amount, as applicable, and make a payout to Sellers on a monthly basis. A certain minimum payout size may be implemented to minimize bank charges inefficiencies. Please read How do Sellers receive payouts from Smthgood.

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