How can I earn Smthgood coins by using Lookbooks?

Each Lookbook is a mini storefront for Creators make use of products from our marketplace. As Creators, you also earn Smthgood coins for actions such as creating, sharing and voting for Lookbooks! 

These are a few of the ways that a creator can earn Smthgood coins:

  1. As every Lookbook works as a storefront for buyers, when another user buys a particular Smthgood product from your Lookbook, you get 5 coins for every SGD1 that the other user spent.
  2. Earn 2,500 coins for every 25 Lookbooks you create.
  3. Create your first Lookbook and get 500 coins.
  4. For every like received on your Lookbook, you’ll get 5 coins.
  5. If your Lookbook make it to the top 3 in terms of number of “likes”, you’ll be rewarded with 20,000 coins.
  6. Even if you land in the next 10 ranking, you get 2,500 coins.
  7. More interestingly, all weekly winners can reward 5 followers with 500 coins each! 

We believe sharing is caring at Smthgood, so make as many friends as you can on our platform!

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