Do I earn any Smthgood coins from my purchase?

Of course! Just by shopping on Smthgood, you can earn coins! 

For every SGD 1 spent, you get 10 Smthgood coins. If you’re buying from Smthgood for the first time, you’ll get a first order bonus of 20 coins per SGD 1 spent. 

There are also other ways that you can earn coins!

  1. From your Lookbooks:
    • You’ll earn 5 coins for every SGD 1 spent when others make a purchase of a Smthgood product from your lookbook. 
    • Earn 2,500 coins for every 25 Lookbooks created.
    • Create your first Lookbook and get 500 coins.
    • For every like received, you’ll get 5 coins. So, make any friends as you like!
  2. From Weekly Lookbook Competitions:
    • If your Lookbook makes it to the top 3 in terms of number of “likes”, you’ll be rewarded with 20,000 coins.
    • Not Top 3, fret not! Even if you land in the next 10 rankings, you will get 2,500 coins.
    • More interestingly, all weekly winners can reward 5 followers with 500 coins each! We believe sharing is caring at Smthgood so make as many friends as you can on our platform!
  3. For just being you!
    • Yes, you are awesome just the way you are. We know it, so we’re gifting 2,500 coins as a Birthday Bonus for you!
    • If you tag us in a social post, you’ll get 500 coins.
    • If you leave a review for us, you’ll get 500 coins .

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