Why do Sellers need to tag products?

Product tags help listings to be found easily on our platform. This will help Sellers achieve better performance with respect to user search results.

Tags can also be used to connect product listings with relevant themes or categories without changing the listing title or description. For more information about Smthgood AI tool, refer to article Smthgood Fashion AI

Activating our AI tagging tool is required as Sellers' products cannot go live if the Smthgood tags are not generated. 

Why do I need to activate the Smthgood AI tagging tool when I already have my own tags?

Our platform's taxonomy relies on Smthgood generated product tags to customize and optimize buyer user experience. Our tags do not replace any existing Sellers tags if Sellers are importing tags from other e-commerce platforms. For more details, please refer to  “Smthgood Fashion AI“ .

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