What is Smthgood?

Smthgood is a unique new home for conscious fashion - a one-of-a-kind in Asia, in the form of a social commerce mobile and web application. We are built for meaningful engagement with users who are primarily social media savvy women. 

Our core features include:

1. E-commerce Marketplace that focuses on conscious fashion. Smthgood champions and brings together sustainable, ethical, stylish and independent sellers from across Asia Pacific and beyond users who have a curiosity for conscious fashion.

2. Lookbook and Lookbook Editor that unleashes the inner stylist in users. Lookbooks are gamified fashion collages that a user can put together from amongst products in our marketplace. Each Lookbook is shoppable and a mini storefront for our users.

3. Fashion AI. Smthgood uses AI for accurate and intelligent product tagging to provide quality searches and personalized user experiences on our platform.

Our legal entity is Savvy Commune Pte Ltd.

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